Watch David Blaine freak out Steph Curry, Drake and Dave Chappelle

David Blaine's latest television special, "Beyond Magic," premiered Tuesday night and featured the magician and illusionist performing in the presence of various celebrities and well-known personalities.

For one trick in particular, Blaine was joined in a room full of guests that included Drake, Dave Chappelle, as well as NBA stars Steph Curry and Jimmy Butler. They all seemed to be having a great time together until Blaine started randomly spitting live frogs out of his mouth. As you can imagine, that changed the mood of the party real quick.

Butler wanted no part of it.

And it appears that Curry prefers to be the guy who makes magic in front of a bunch of people. (For example, his Warriors made a 3-1 lead disappear last spring.)

I won't even try to guess how Blaine actually managed to pull this off. I'm too busy trying to decide whether I'm disgusted or impressed.