Want motivation, LeBron? Here ya go

In the champagne haze of a Game 7 win Thursday night, LeBron James requested that the media continue to motivate him.

Now, we don’t know for sure whether he meant “please continue to tell me how awesome I am” or “please continue to tell me I’m not Michael Jordan,” but we’ll assume it was the latter, because that makes things a lot more interesting.

Hey, you asked for it, man. You promised “not one, not two, not three …” and got all the way up to seven on your count of Miami Heat championships.

You have two. It’s a good start, but Dwyane Wade has three.

So does Devean George.

OK, sure, you won the series and nobody is trying to take that away, but let’s not quickly forget how you were well on your way to blowing it in Game 6 before an old man who once went by “Jesus” bailed you out.

We don’t know why it took you 6 1/2 games to summon the courage to take an open 19-foot jump shot, but we found that to be disturbing behavior for a self-anointed king.

Your win-loss record in the Finals is nothing to marvel at. You’ve lost as many Finals series as you’ve won, and your overall record is 10-12.

Sorry to bring this up, but Michael Jordan’s went 6-for-6 in Finals series and was 24-11 in Finals games.

Speaking of Jordan, you’re just going to have to get used to this comparison, and you’re just going to have to get used to the reality that most of the population will never think you’re greater than him.

Unless you win six or seven titles, which … come on. That’s not happening.

And, by the way, this isn’t a media construct. You invited this by publicly declaring your ambition to become the greatest player of all time.

Jordan is generally regarded as that player, so you might as well have announced that you were coming after Jordan.

You have more natural gifts than Jordan did, unless you consider competitive drive to be a natural gift, in which case you’re going to have to become a psychopath to surpass Mike.

We don’t think you have that in you. But all you have to do is win four more and you’re tied!

I’m sure you like Wade and Chris Bosh. They’re your buddies and all, but into how many more championship celebrations do you think you can drag their lifeless bodies?

Bosh didn’t score a point in Game 7 and Wade was a ghost for most of the series.

Trouble is, in order to get away from them, you’re going to have to make The Decision II to move, and we all know how well that went over the last time.

Wade is Miami royalty, and Bosh’s contract makes him difficult to trade.

You’re pretty much stuck. Now, we don’t mean to beat you down.

Sorry about that, LeBron. Maybe we misunderstood your request. We want you to know that you’re our special little flower and if you can dream it, you can do it.

Go LeBron, go!