The survey says: Matthew Dellavedova is the NBA's dirtiest player

Look at that Matthew Dellavedova go. Man, he just hustles all over the place, throwing his body around the court, hitting the floor. Delly, he's so hard-nosed, he's so scrappy, he's so ...


Yeah, dirty. According to a survey of 24 NBA coaches and players done anonymously by the Los Angeles Times, the Cavaliers guard is the dirtiest player in the league.

Dellavedova topped the list with 13 votes, nearly twice as many as runner-up Steven Adams of the Thunder.

Some respondents cited Dellavedova's actions in last season's playoffs, including injuring the ankle of the Hawks' Kyle Korver.

"He's as dirty as they come," a Western Conference coach told the Times. "When you're hurting people, that is not OK." "He was kind of dirty in the playoffs, for sure," an East coach said.

Dellavedova has his defenders, though.

One Eastern assistant coach said: "See, guys resent people that play hard because they don't want to play hard. So if a guy plays hard, he's dirty. He's not dirty. He just plays hard."

And then again, it's all relative. A West coach told the Times the NBA doesn't allow anyone to be dirty anymore.

"Back in the '80s and '90s, you could cheap-shot guys," the coach said. "But now it's a fine, it's a suspension, it's a points system. There's no enforcer like there used to be. Who's an enforcer like Charles Oakley? ... How much can a little guard get under your skin? And Dellavedova is a backup. He ain't dirty. None of these guys are dirty."

For the entire list of supposedly dirty players, reall the full article here.