Spurs star Kawhi Leonard is way more frugal than you are

In the words of Spurs coach Gregg Popovich, some players want to be great, and some want to be stars.

Kawhi Leonard is well on his way to being great. But he really couldn't care less about being a star. It's a theme that comes through time and time again in an incredible feature on the Spurs' most important player, in which Leonard's teammates, coaches, bosses and family let the world know that this is how Leonard's always been.

And given Leonard's tendency to shy away from the glitz and glamour of NBA stardom, we're not at all surprised by his choice of vehicle in the San Antonio area -- an old truck that Leonard drives because, well, it still runs (via Sports Illustrated):

Blue book value on that baby is about $1,150, depending on your zip code. Not bad.

And sure, Leonard could drive a nice, brand new car if he wanted to. He probably has a newer vehicle somewhere in his garage. But that's just the way that Leonard rolls. In fact, before he was driving the Tahoe, Leonard was cruising around in a Chevy Malibu that he had at San Diego State, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune. The Tahoe had been sitting at his grandma's place, until Leonard had it fixed. We wonder if he took it to Tim Duncan's garage and tried to get that teammate discount.

Because let's face it -- Leonard's obviously super-frugal. The only time anyone's seen him sweat is when he lost the complimentary coupons that food franchise WingStop gave him for being a sponsor.

This, of course, after he signed a multi-million dollar deal that enabled him to buy wings for the entire planet if he saw fit. But don't worry; he got a replacement booklet of coupons, so Leonard can once again get his chicken on -- say, after showing zero reaction to a game-winner, like he did earlier this season against the Magic:

Just don't get any BBQ sauce on the seats. They're vintage.