San Antonio Spurs' 'Spurs Jesus' fan stops a home invasion

The San Antonio Spurs have one of the most loyal fanbases in all of sports. Nobody embodies this fact more than "Spurs Jesus," a legendary Texan who comes to Spurs games dressed, well, like Jesus. 

Earlier this week, Spurs Jesus was in the news for more than rooting for his favorite NBA team. The caped crusader actually stopped a real life home invasion. Here's the rundown, courtesy of Mashable's Sam Laird, with a splash of detail from Spurs Jesus' Facebook account:

"Spurs Jesus (real name: Cordero Maldonado, according to the San Antonio Express-News) chased, tackled and apprehended an evil-doer who tried to break into his home on Monday afternoon, according to multiple reports. Spurs Jesus — so dubbed for dressing as Jesus at San Antonio Spurs home games — recounted the episode himself on his Facebook page. It all started when he was washing his garb, as any dedicated Jesus does. 'ALERT!! So yesterday I was at my house washing my garb and all of a sudden I hear a strange noise, sure enough there's a guy trying to break in through my window," he wrote. "I ran outside and chased him down the San Antonio Riverwalk. Caught the fellow and slammed him to the dirt and restrained him until the boys from the San Antonio Police Department took him off of my hands.'"

As if the Spurs weren't already having the best summer ever, their number one fan has to go and become a legitimate superhero. Everything currently associated with this organization is pure gold. 

Spurs Jesus is officially the coolest fan in the league. 

(h/t: Mashable)