Sacramento Kings: Time To Ease Up On The Demarcus Cousins Hate

DeMarcus Cousins is in the same breath talented, creative and controversial, seemingly without even trying. Those attributes have garnered enough negative attention to last a career and we’re only now just approaching the All-Star break.

The always interesting topic of DeMarcus Cousins is a daily discussion in many NBA circles, including fans, media, players and coaches.

The talent and numbers should speak for themselves, but along with it come outbursts that have many wondering if the Sacramento Kings‘ All-Star will last in the league.

As cryptic as that sounds, it’s a definite possibility considering the league doesn’t want any chance of poor publicity while continuing to grow the brand internationally.

The latest issue for Cousins took place this past weekend in a highly contested matchup with Dwyane Wade and the Chicago Bulls. In a tied game with about a minute to go, Cousins was called for a very controversial foul on Wade attempting a fast break dunk.

Visibly upset and disturbed by the call eventually costing the Kings a close game, Cousins handled the media’s questions regarding the referees in a creative manner. After finishing with 42 points, while adding 14 rebounds and three assists, the Kings center said:

The sarcasm is obvious, but the subtle message of trying to avoid being fined for criticizing referees should be in reality be applauded. It’s almost similar to former NFL running back Marshawn Lynch refusing to answer questions correctly to the media, instead referring to the now famous line, “I’m just here so I won’t get fined.”

Is it fair to say there are more eyes watching everything Cousins does and says to spark a reaction, especially knowing he’s a passionate person? The referees were clearly wrong, even after the replay and league’s official report after the game — similar to the quick call against Cousins when he spit out his mouthpiece last month.

I know many people around the league haven’t forgotten his confrontation with local reporter Andy Furillo regard an article involving his involvement in an New York City club.

It’s really unfortunate to see such a talented player deal with the constant issues either on or off the court that question his character.

There is plenty of work that does need to be done with Cousin’s personally to help control his emotions and possibly, for once, get him paired with a veteran, level-headed teammate to show him the way to handle everything.

We have seen the great things done by Cousins in the community over the years, even recently teamed up with the NBA store to take children Christmas shopping.

I’m not campaigning for Cousins to be man of the year, but in reality, this sheds a positive light on his charity work that is rarely discussed.

The word “troublemaker” or “distraction” has been used for players in the past like Dennis Rodman, Metta World Peace and Derrick Coleman. I would definitely use the title of Olympic Gold Medalist before any other negative label thrown at Cousins and finally eliminate the hate.

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