Rodman rants about Kobe: 'F--- him'

Dennis Rodman has been caught on video doing something inexplicable, but why should that be surprising? Can anyone ever explain why he does the stuff he does?

In this case, Rodman was recently on stage with a jazz band at a Hollywood hotel — see, it’s already making no sense — when for some reason he ranted at Kobe Bryant, TMZ reports. The video catches Rodman repeatedly saying, “F--- him” in reference to the Lakers superstar. Watch the video here, but be warned of the bad language.

Rodman spent part of the 1998-99 season with the Lakers, when Bryant was in his third NBA season and The Worm was in his next to last. Until this video surfaced, there apparently was no beef between the two.

Maybe Rodman learned that his pal, North Korea dictator and party animal Kim Jong-Un, isn’t a Lakers fan. After all, Rodman and Kim seem to have become pretty tight during Rodman’s couple of trips to North Korea this year, in February and September.

After the second trip, Rodman talked about how Kim showed him a great time.

“It’s like going to Hawaii or Ibiza, but he’s the only one that lives there," Rodman said. “He likes people to be happy around him. He’s got 50 to 60 around him all the time — just normal people, drinking cocktails and laughing the whole time. If you drink a bottle of tequila, it’s the best tequila. Everything you want, he has the best.”

Rodman said he’s planning on going back to North Korea in January and bringing along former NBA players for a game against that country’s national team. It’s part of what Rodman has called “basketball diplomacy.”

Quite obviously, though, that diplomacy doesn’t extend to Kobe.