Nothing But Nylon: Episode 2 with Andrew Johnson
Welcome to the second episode of The Nothing But Nylon Podcast. This show has been created to be an audio companion to Nylon Calculus with conversations from your favorite basketball analytics writers talking about their writing, research, and most of all, hoops. The intention is to make the conversation inclusive so that listeners of all analytic comfort levels will find something appealing.
Andrew Johnson (@CountingBaskets) joins to discuss the draft, his model for projecting rookies forward, his free agency value prediction model, the Celtics, and how to incorporate new information into your prior beliefs, among other things.
Check out Andrew’s posts discussed on the show:
Be sure to follow the podcast on Twitter at @NBNylonPod, follow Andrew at @CountingBaskets and follow your host, Kevin Ferrigan, @NBACouchside. Once we have a few episodes banked, you’ll be able to find the show in iTunes, but for now the best way to listen is through our page on Blog Talk Radio or on the Nylon Calculus Facebook page.
We’re looking forward to lots more insightful conversations in the future. If you have a guest you’d like to hear from or a topic you’d like to hear discussed, please let us know.
Thanks for listening!
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