New Knick Robin Lopez zings Brooklyn brother Brook

The Knicks may not be good next year, but they sure could be fun with Robin Lopez around.

He and the Knicks' three other free-agent acquisitions were introduced in Las Vegas on Friday, and while most of the talk was about basketball, Lopez kept it light-hearted.

Lopez coming to New York will add more juice to Knicks-Nets games next season, with his brother Brook starting at center for Brooklyn. Brook is the more accomplished player to this point; Robin is the one with the better comic flair, replete with a knack for tackling mascots in just about every NBA arena.

For the record, no, he doesn't plan on taking on the Times Square mascots anytime soon. And he scoffed at a notion that Brook would be letting him live in his attic.

"I think he said under the stairs, a la Harry Potter. It's a very 'Muggle' response," he said, using a term that only Potter fans would understand is one describing someone who lacks magical powers. "I think he's trying to hinder or suppress whatever mystical abilities I may have. He can't understand them and I don't blame him for that."

Later, the quick wit continued when he said playing more against his brother was "intriguing."

"Obviously there's already a rivalry in place. I think this will spice it up a little bit," Robin Lopez said. "I have a brother who's out there living with him and I can see him a little more often. I don't care about seeing Brook. It'll make it easier on Mom. There won't be quite as much traveling."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.