Neil deGrasse Tyson walked in Clyde Frazier's shoes
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson debuts as host of Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey Sunday night at 9 ET on FOX and Monday night at 10 ET on National Geographic.
He stopped by FOX Sports Live and, while talking about growing up a sports fan in New York, revealed a connection to the great Knicks guard Walt "Clyde" Frazier.
Tyson had a friend who worked as a ball boy for the Knicks, who discovered that Frazier and the scientist-to-be shared a shoe size. Frazier used to discard his height-of-fashion Puma sneakers after wearing them once, so Tyson's friend grabbed a pair from the trash and brought them to him. So how cool was that? Tyson got to literally walk in Clyde Frazier'€™s shoes while a kid growing up in The Bronx.
Check out Tyson's uncut interview from FSL: