NBA wants to stop teams from talking about restricted free agents

When it comes to restricted free agency, typically there's quite a bit of posturing involved. Team representatives will often say that they will "match any offer" on a player in order to discourage rival teams from signing one of their players to an offer sheet. It happens all the time.

It might not happen much anymore, though.

Here's Marc Stein at with more:

" has learned that the NBA, as far back as November, issued a memo to all teams warning them that the National Basketball Players Association has officially taken the position that the well-worn "we'll match any offer" reflex strategy and its corresponding intent to discourage interest in a particular RFA is a circumvention of the salary cap.  

The league's memo, sources said, took the rare step of further cautioning teams that, while the NBA itself doesn't concur with the NBPA's view, league officials see enough potential merit in the union's stance to advise those who persist with match-any-offer chatter that they could be opening themselves up to legal action."

(h/t ESPN)

Photo Credit: Kelley L Cox-USA TODAY Sports