Lil B still hasn't lifted his 'curse' on Kevin Durant

In the "Wow, how is this still a thing?" department, Lil' B went on ESPN to talk about the "Based God" curse, which totally doomed the Houston Rockets in the playoffs (insert sarcasm font). Lil' B was also asked if his curse on Kevin Durant was still active. His reply?

"'He has to play me in a game of 21 and that's the only way the curse can be lifted,' said Lil B, who appeared on the show wearing a woman's blouse, sun hat and grandma chandelier earrings."

So there you have it. The curse, that is maybe one of the more inane things to emerge in the past few seasons, is still alive and haunting Kevin Durant. Or something. 

(h/t BET)

Photo credit: FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP/Getty Images