LeBron's escort under investigation

Social media can be a great from of publicity, unless you’re using it to show yourself breaking the law.

Remember LeBron’s special treatment police escort to the Jay Z/Justin Timberlake concert last week? Well … Bron Bron might have gotten the cops in trouble with his bragging on Instagram:

“It has been brought to our attention that a video was posted on the Internet by LeBron James … where it shows him being escorted onto the property of Sunlife Stadium for a concert on Friday,” the Miami-Dade Police Department said in a statement.

“Upon further investigation, it has been confirmed that the Miami-Dade Police Department did facilitate Mr. James from one intersection to another, in the adjacent area of the stadium. This was not a scheduled escort and although all safety precautions were taken, the department has identified these actions as a violation of departmental policy. The Miami-Dade Police Department will continue to look into the matter.”

The lesson of the day: Keep certain perks you get to yourself, especially if you have 3.5 million followers.