LeBron the new King of video games?

Twelve months ago, LeBron James was Phil Mickelson. Entering the prime of his career an accomplished winner, except when it came to the big one. Fighting to move out from somebody else's shadow. Plenty of fame and cash to match — just missing the bling.

Of course, Phil went on to finally win a major. And last summer, LeBron got his ring. Then another Olympic gold medal. This summer, he's playing for another NBA title . He's in line for another big contract next summer. Clearly, he is much more Tiger now. And on Thursday, he further cemented that fact.

Due out Oct. 1 , this is amazingly enough, this is The King's first video game cover — ever. And he's so excited, he's not stopping with just being a cover boy.

So, what's left to catch Tiger?

How about $18.3 million ?