LeBron announces he will provide full college scholarships to children in Akron who complete his program

When LeBron James left the Miami Heat in free agency to return to the Cleveland Cavaliers, that was the only other place he was ever willing to consider.

James has always valued his relationship with Cleveland, and especially the nearby city of Akron where he was born. He continues to give back to the community there on a consistent basis, and his latest effort is his greatest yet. Paul Schleis of Ohio.com has the details.

"LeBron James has announced that kids who participate in his I PROMISE program will earn scholarships to the University of Akron.

"James made the announcement before nearly 6,000 Akron students and family members as part of his annual I PROMISE Family Reunion - a tradition of the LeBron James Family Foundation.

"UA President Scott Scarborough said the scholarships will cover tuition and all fees."

This is an incredible act of generosity from James, and one that will undoubtedly incentivize those living in Akron to focus on education, which in turn should provide a future that's brimming with positive opportunities.

(h/t: Ohio.com)