Lance Stephenson and Josh Smith spent OT slap boxing on the bench

Usually in-game bench shenanigans are reserved for blowouts as a way to kill the remaining time until you can shower and go eat.

But for Lance Stephenson and Josh Smith, there's apparently no bad time to clown around during a game.

While the Los Angeles Clippers were trying to finish off an overtime win against the Houston Rockets on Monday, Stephenson and Smith spent a timeout doing what any bored guys would do.

They engaged in a heated slap-boxing battle.

The only thing funnier than Stephenson and Smith being lost in their own world during a timeout is how badly the other Clippers are trying to ignore them. Check out Austin Rivers, who's probably using all of his will to listen to his dad give instructions but is being so rudely distracted.

Stephenson and Smith were DNP's on Monday (coach's decision), so that probably explains why their attention was elsewhere.