Justin Holiday on Drake yelling in his ear: 'I couldn't hear him'

Justin Holiday made headlines earlier this week when he was called for a five-second violation while Drake trash-talked in his ear:

According to Holiday, though, the Toronto Raptors' global ambassador and platinum-selling rapper didn't force Holiday into the turnover -- Holiday couldn't even hear him (via CSN Chicago):

It's unlikely Holiday didn't hear Drake -- he was much closer to him than anyone else who was yelling -- but NBA players are used to playing through distractions, so Holiday's explanation has some truth to it.

Despite the embarrassing nature of the turnover, Holiday has benefitted from the attention he's received. The rangy wing is far from a household name, and being associated -- even in a negative way -- with the biggest name in rap has its advantages:

His price went up.

Jovan Buha covers the NBA for FOX Sports. Follow him on Twitter: @jovanbuha.