Jason Thompson: Difference between Warriors and Kings is 'night and day'

Jason Thompson may have lost playing time and a larger role by being traded to the Golden State Warriors, but he's welcoming that adjustment over playing with his former team, the Sacramento Kings.

"It’s kind of night and day with the difference," Thompson said, according to CSN Bay Area.

Thompson’s role is undefined heading into next season. He will be in the mix with Festus Ezeli and Marreese Speights for backup big man minutes behind Andrew Bogut and Draymond Green, but he isn’t guaranteed playing time.

Both of the incumbent backups serve their roles -- Speights with scoring and spacing, and Ezeli with defense and rebounding -- probably better than Thompson does. But Thompson provides a nice mix of both, and could emerge as the third big man at some point this season.

Either way, Thompson is quickly getting acclimated to the Warriors organization and loving every minute of it.

“You can tell it’s a first-class organization,” Thompson said. “No offense to [Sacramento], but there was no stability in the seven years that I was there. You could just tell, from Day 1, when the trade went through, how differently things went on and off the court.

“Regardless of this being my eighth season, I’m trying to learn what it takes to win and be around that atmosphere. I’m kind of soaking up all of the information with a sponge. It’s not going to change overnight, but you can just tell things are sharper and things are going to be more crisp as preseason and as practices go.”