His name is LeBron James ... not Derrick Rose

LeBron James has earned his stripes in the NBA by winning a couple of rings and four MVP awards to go along with those. He's also earned the right to never be mistaken for another athlete -- especially if they look nothing alike.

If you're lucky enough to get a pic with him at a shopping center parking lot, the least you can do is let your friends and family know exactly what his name is before anyone posts a picture.

The person who posted the image to Twitter appears to be from the UK, so it's somewhat understandable that he didn't know that was LBJ. But really? Would most young sports fans in the U.S mistake David Beckham for Wayne Rooney? Highly doubt it.

Sorry, LeBron, it looks like there are actually people in the world who still don't know who you are.

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H/T to Deadspin