Hawks' Thabo Sefolosha: Making progress, but 'too early' to talk return

The Atlanta Hawks and wing Thabo Sefolosha had a lot to celebrate leading up to the night of Sefolosha's incident with the NYPD. That hasn't been the case since. But Sefolosha is on the road to recovery, which should give Atlanta reason to cheer.

Sefolosha told Chris Vivlamore of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that his health improves daily, but the time isn't yet right to talk about when he'll be back in a Hawks uniform:

"I am doing better every day," Sefolosha said. "The leg and ankle are feeling good but it is too early to say exactly when I’ll be back on the court."

First and foremost, that's good news for Sefolosha. His health is the most important thing, and he should take all the time he needs. From a basketball perspective, Atlanta can't abide rushing him back before he's ready. Coach Mike Budenholzer has said this offseason that a big reason the Hawks were willing to let DeMarre Carroll go is because of their faith in Sefolosha.

It'd be easy to fall into the trap of thinking Atlanta needs Sefolosha back as soon as possible to contend for a title. But this is a young core with cap room to keep the team together next season. If Sefolosha's recovery takes a little while, so be it.

(h/t Atlanta Journal-Constitution)