Hawks issue merchandise for 45th annual Atlanta Pride Festival (PHOTO)
This weekend marks the 45th Atlanta Pride Festival, and the hometown Hawks are participating in the festivities by providing merchandise with pride-themed versions of the team's logo and the motto, "True comes in all colors," according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
A group participating in the festival will feature the Hawks merchandise emblazoned with the number 45 to celebrate the anniversary of the event.
A Hawks hat available for Atlanta Pride Festival. pic.twitter.com/uyasDUmmiG
— Chris Vivlamore (@CVivlamoreAJC) October 8, 2015
Hawks are taking part in the 45th Atlanta Pride Festival this Saturday. pic.twitter.com/IC7sezHlqk
— KL Chouinard (@KLChouinard) October 8, 2015
The Atlanta Pride Committee aims to "promote unity, visibility and self-esteem among lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgender persons" in the Atlanta area and southeastern United States and to "provide lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgender persons with cultural and educational programs and activities which enhance mental and physical health, provide social support, and foster an awareness of the past and present contributions of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgender persons, through community activities and services," including events like the Atlanta Pride Festival, according to the Committee's website.