Hat's off to Magic's birthday cake

Magic Johnson turned 54 on Wednesday, and as you might expect from a guy who wrote a $50 million check to help buy the Dodgers, he did not celebrate with your average cake.

Tuesday night, Johnson served as the master of ceremonies at a charity gala in Portsmouth, R.I., and at one point during the event, the host, R&B musician Jeffrey Osborne, presented Johnson with a Lakers-themed cake — with five candles, one, perhaps, for each of his NBA championships:

Johnson was also joined at the reception by a couple of his old teammates on the Showtime Lakers:

And Reggie Jackson:

This all coming after he participated in a charity basketball game and golf tournament earlier in the week:

I’d say that’s a fine way to celebrate turning 54, and you can be sure the party will continue on somewhere else Wednesday. If this 90s-themed party from earlier this year is any indication, it should be a hoot.