Ex-NBA player Latrell Sprewell is rooting for Donald Trump after Nevada win

After his win in Tuesday's Nevada Republican caucus, Donald Trump seemingly has quite a bit of momentum in the hunt for a 2016 presidential nomination — including the support of a former NBA player, for better or for worse.

Early Wednesday morning, Latrell Sprewell, who spent 13 seasons in the league with the Warriors, Knicks and Wolves, tweeted his congratulations to the Donald for the Nevada victory:

It's just the latest example of Sprewell making his way back into the public consciousness; earlier this month, the four-time All-Star made fun of his reputation for bad life choices in a commercial alongside Hall of Famer David Robinson.

Trump is by no means a stranger to rubbing elbows with athletes during his campaign. In January, he met with the Iowa Hawkeyes football team, which presented him with his own "TRUMP" jersey.

As for Trump's sports comparison? You might not believe who best represents making sports great again.