Chandler Parsons is 'shifting into GM mode'

Chandler Parsons is known as a pretty affable guy, and gets a lot of credit for convincing Dwight Howard to ditch Los Angeles for Houston a couple summers ago. 

With the season over, Parsons says he plans on having a similar impact this summer with the Mavericks, per The Dallas Morning News' Eddie Sefko:

"Parsons said on the first day of the offseason that he wants to be involved in any recruiting pitches made to free agents. It’s a job he believes should come with the territory as he begins the process of becoming a more polished player and a bigger piece of the organization’s fabric. 'Shifting into GM mode,' as Parsons called it, is a logical step as far as he is concerned. “Shifting into GM mode,” as Parsons called it, is a logical step as far as he is concerned. 'I think it’s kind of like a known thing that I’d like to do that. I have a lot of good relationships with a lot of guys.'"

The Mavericks don't have much to smile about right now, but Parsons is hoping he can change that by picking up the phone and making the type of calls his front office isn't allowed to make until July. 

Outside his play-making ability, outside shot and spine-tingling charm, this may be the number one thing Parsons brings to the table.

(h/t: The Dallas Morning News)

Photo Credit: Matthew Emmons/USA TODAY Sports