Carmelo Anthony confirms that his cryptic Instagram posts were about Phil Jackson

Carmelo Anthony posted some cryptic Instagram posts on Thursday, which many saw as a subtle shot at Knicks president Phil Jackson.

On Friday, he confirmed that the posts were, indeed, about Jackson.

“I didn’t talk to him so I don’t know where he was coming from with those comments,” Anthony said in reference to Jackson’s criticism of the Knicks star, according to the New York Daily News. “If he wants to talk about it, cool. If he don’t, cool. In my eyes it’s over.”

An error occurred while retrieving the Instagram post. It might have been deleted.

Jackson recently came under fire for calling LeBron James’s business associates a “posse” in a recent interview, and in an interview with CBS Sports Radio on Tuesday he suggested Anthony tends to hold the ball too long, but is capable of playing a similar role to Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant in the triangle offense.

That led to the Instagram posts, and the latest episode of dysfunction surrounding the Knicks.

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