Buzz City Beat: Charlotte Hornets React to New CBA and MKG's Jump Shot

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Buzz City Stings is your daily destination for the latest and best news from around the internet about the Charlotte Hornets. The team looks to snap their three-game losing streak against the Boston Celtics. In this edition, we look at Michael Kidd-Gilchrist‘s jump shot, the new NBA CBA, and Spencer Hawes‘ using his political voice.

How is MKG’s Shot Developing?

“It’s disappointing for a player that works as hard as Kidd-Gilchrist does. Last season he made significant progress in terms of confidence and overall shot-making. An injury seems to have flushed all that down the drain. Even if his jump shot never becomes reliable Kidd-Gilchrist still makes a positive impact with his defense and his evolving post game. It’s getting to the point where it feels like this will always be the player he is.” (

MKG has worked tirelessly on his jump shot in an attempt to improve his offensive game going forward. Unfortunately, it just hasn’t worked. The stats don’t show any improvement and his form looks just as bad as it did his rookie season. While there has been some development, it just hasn’t been noticeable enough for him to be a respectable outside shooter.

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    Veteran’s Relieved With New CBA and No Lockout

    “To Marvin Williams, it was disorienting. To Spencer Hawes, it was boring. To Ramon Sessions, it was frustrating. Each of these veteran Charlotte Hornets has experienced at least one extended lockout that cost the NBA months of games and players tens of millions in salary. The league and the players association are on the verge of avoiding a work stoppage for at least the next six seasons. The two sides have agreed on terms of a new collective bargaining agreement (CBA), subject to approval by players and team owners.” (

    Fans and players alike are both happy that another NBA lockout will not be coming anytime soon. When it last happened in 2011, everyone suffered. The new CBA that the NBAPA and the league agreed upon is a good sign as both sides came to an agreement ahead of schedule. Hearing from the Charlotte Hornets’ veterans about the last lockout puts more of a perspective on the situation.

    Spencer Hawes Proud to Use Political Voice

    Hawes – “I wouldn’t say I’m the only conservative,” he said, “I’m the only vocal one. There are others but they’re afraid to step forward, for some reason, out of what people might think or maybe because of business interests.” (

    Whether you agree with Spencer’s political views or not, it is interesting hearing an NBA player being so outspoken and honest with this sort of thing. As most political beliefs are kept secret or hidden from the general public for most people, Hawes shares his thoughts openly. And this article, in particular, was from which isn’t known for their political pieces. Despite your preference when it comes to politics, this is an interesting article circled around the Charlotte Hornets’ backup center’s thoughts.