Brett Brown Defense Part II: Nerlens Noel Not Gone Yet

Philadelphia 76ers head coach Brett Brown is not wavering on the commitment to solid NBA defense for the Philadelphia 76ers. In Part II: We look at the potential of Nerlens Noel should he remain on this team.

Head coach Brett Brown is a very patient and forgiving man. But even he found recent statements and actions of Nerlens Noel difficult.  Doubly so if the intent is to plead a case for his retention on the Philadelphia 76ers roster. Nerlens Noel wants to be an NBA starting center. In many ways, he has what it takes to do so defensively. But that role is filled by Joel Embiid.

Noel has ground out his goodwill stockpiled over the past three seasons in several risky moves.  It seem to be a failed attempt to persuade the Philadelphia 76ers to trade him to another team. The only problem? He was working on the wrong end.  NBA teams have only been lukewarm to his potential before he called out his front office.

No Place Like Home

With only limited opportunity, and the remaining games shrinking, the end result could find Noel returning to the Philadelphia 76ers next season in a more stable backup role to Joel Embiid.  Meanwhile, the team continues to experiment with the two on the court simultaneously.

It falls back to how does Joel Embiid feel about the future with Nerlens Noel?

Even on just 11.5 minutes per game, Noel continues to show up in statistics. He is fifth on the team for steals and blocks per game, despite coming in with less than half the minutes per game.

Plan B

Even in a situation where the team does not believe the pairing of Embiid and Noel is compatible, the team still has the option of convincing Noel to accept a strong role off the bench. While that may not thrill Noel, it may be better than the other offers he’ll get from NBA teams.  And with the 76ers right to match any offer (presuming they extend a qualifying offer), that may be as good as it gets for next year.

More from The Sixer Sense

    But Nerlens Noel has been with this team as long as anyone now. There simply must be a part of him that wants to see it through. Would the 76ers open that door? Imagine Noel coming off the bench on the roster next season?

    Brown Loves Defense

    Brett Brown would love to see it.   In part I, we discussed how Brown is willing to overlook slumping offense for strong defense.  Now in part II, we take it a step further. Brown will forgive poor judgement if the player can deliver solid NBA defense.

    Neither Nerlens Noel nor Brett Brown are elated at the direction of the team in holding three centers. But if Noel is willing to sacrifice starting for quality reserve minutes, and if Brown is committed to getting Noel minutes through season’s end, this might end up as a not-so-unhappily-ever-after finish.