Adam Silver explains why the next NBA champs shouldn't boycott Donald Trump's White House

LeBron James is one of a handful of players who has expressed uncertainty at the prospect of visiting Donald Trump's White House if the Cavaliers should win a title during his presidency, but NBA commissioner Adam Silver believes any type of boycott like that would ultimately be a mistake.

“To me, if a player were to choose not to go to the White House, whether they were choosing not to go to the current White House or a future White House, my response would be: ‘That’s a lost opportunity,’ ” Silver said, via ESPN's Mike Wise. “Because that’s an opportunity that most citizens who have a political point of view would kill for — the opportunity to directly tell the president of the United States how they feel about an issue.

“Now, if the president were to say, ‘I have no interest in what members of the NBA think about an issue,’ that might surprise me and I might have a different response.”