Pocono 500 gets new name, sponsor

Pocono Raceway will have corporate sponsorship for its June Cup race for the first time since 1996.

Pocono's June 6 race will be called the Gillette Fusion ProGlide 500 Presented by Target. Pocono's June race had been called the Pocono 500 since 1997.

``The time was right,'' track president Brandon Igdalsky said. ``We've been looking for quality sponsors. I thought it was time to find another one for the June event.''

Pocono has had the Red Cross and Sunoco help sponsor a second race at Pocono in July called the Pennsylvania 500.

Track owner Joseph Mattioli said last year that Pocono didn't have sponsorship because he didn't need the money.

``I don't need the money and if you don't need the money, what the hell is the sense of sponsorship?'' Mattioli said last June. ``We call all the shots. All the VIP's on race day are our people, not the sponsor's people.''

Igdalsky, Mattioli's grandson, said Mattioli was ``on board'' with the decision.

``It's not his first choice of what to do,'' Igdalsky said. ``He understands the sports world is different now and you've got to go with the flow. You can't turn the money away.''