NASCAR wants France info kept from Mayfield

NASCAR has asked a federal court to stop lawyers for suspended driver Jeremy Mayfield from collecting information from the ex-wife of chairman Brian France.

Mayfield's attorneys subpoenaed Megan France last week requesting documents about a lawsuit filed against her by Brian France. The attorneys also asked for joint tax returns and mail addressed to Brian France.

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NASCAR filed a motion in U.S. District Court on Monday asking that Megan France be barred from producing the documents.

The Frances were divorced in April 2008, and Brian France sued his ex-wife in North Carolina Superior Court in September of that year. All documents relating to that case were sealed in December.

"They are attempting to improperly bring private, irrelevant information concerning Mr. France's domestic relations into this litigation as a means of retaliation," NASCAR claimed in its filing.

Mayfield was suspended May 9 for failing a random drug test. NASCAR said the test was positive for methamphetamine, but Mayfield has denied using the illegal drug.

He's now suing NASCAR over the suspension, which he claims has ruined his career.

Mayfield in October hired high-profile attorney Mark Geragos to help him with his suit against NASCAR, and Geragos told the court he wants to hold a deposition of Megan France on Dec. 4 - the same day as NASCAR's awards ceremony in Las Vegas.

NASCAR asked the court to order that Megan France's deposition not be held before Dec. 14 because the date Geragos selected is "on a day when neither NASCAR's corporate representatives nor Mr. France can attend."

Asked last weekend about Geragos' attempt to involve his ex-wife in the Mayfield case, France answered: "Nothing surprises me with trial lawyers in the 21st century. They are an amazing group of people."

His comments came the same day Mayfield was auctioning off his belongings back in North Carolina. Mayfield said the auction was part hobby, but also a means to pay his mounting legal bills.

Mayfield's former representation claims Mayfield owes the firm a significant amount of money, but Mayfield said Charlotte-based Bill Diehl has been paid.