Kyle Busch regrets forming NASCAR team

Kyle Busch isn't happy with the financial demands of his truck team, which has become a money pit for the 25-year-old owner-driver.

“I’m pretty screwed right now,” Busch said. “I’ve got a long way ahead of me to get some financial stability back. It’s a good thing I’m young, and hopefully I stay healthy.

“It’s taken 3½ years to build the race shop I’m trying to build, and the costs associated with that have increased drastically. Since I wasn’t able to move into that place, I had to buy a building. I had to buy a place to put the stuff. I had to buy all the race equipment, plus I’m paying for that shop being built, so everything’s just going out the door.”

Had he known what he knows now, would Busch still have launched the new team this year?

“No, I wouldn’t do it — bad idea,” he said.