F1: Lotus prepared to use Mercedes if Renault deal flops

Lotus F1 CEO Matthew Carter remains confident that the Renault takeover of the Enstone-based team will move ahead - but he admits that the deal is not yet done.

Carter added that the team is still preparing for the possibility that it will have to stick with Mercedes power in 2016.

"Renault issued a letter of intent," Carter told the official F1 website. "So behind the scenes, the Renault and Lotus senior management are working flat out to make sure that we get the deal done.

"Things are progressing, but these things take time. I am confident that the deal is going to happen, but as I said, it needs time to get it across."

Carter added that the team is still preparing for the possibility that it will have to stick with Mercedes power in 2016.

"We know that in business anything can happen and as long as there are no signatures on the documents the deal is not concluded. But confidence is very high."

Although Carter has a positive outlook that the deal will be completed, he is still unsure of the exact structure of the team.

"They would run the team as a manufacturer's team, like Ferrari and Mercedes are doing at the moment," Carter said. "Until the deal is concluded, I don't think that any of these details have been finalized.

"If they buy the team, then for sure they are moving into Enstone, because that is part of what they are buying - the facility and operation of Enstone, the manpower that we've got there, and the race team. With regards to the senior management, I honestly I don't know."

Intriguingly, Carter confirmed the team is preparing a design that could run a Mercedes power unit.

"We have two options for an engine next year - either we go with Mercedes or Renault," Carter said. "We are progressing along that route. We've got two designs for next year's car and we are pushing forward with both options."