Worst MLB Records Ever: List of most losses by a team in a season

The early years of Major League Baseball were a time of significant growth and development. While some teams began to establish themselves as contenders, others faced more challenging seasons. This article examines the teams with the lowest win-loss records from 1886 and beyond, offering a glimpse into the struggles faced by these early baseball franchises.

In 2024, the Chicago White Sox are poised to join this list, already eclipsing 100 losses.

We've split out the worst performing MLB teams by modern era (1901 and on) and before the modern era.

Worst MLB records Ever

Modern Era (1901-Present)

Below are the top 10 worst MLB records in the modern era by winning percentage.

Pre-Modern Era (1886-1900)

Below are the teams that posted a .250 winning percentage or worse.

  • No. 1: 1899 Cleveland Spiders - 20-134 (.134)
  • No. 2: 1890 Pittsburgh Alleghenys - 23-113 (.169)
  • No. 3: 1889 Louisville Colonels - 27-111 (.196)
  • No. 4: 1897 St. Louis Browns - 29-102 (.221)
  • No. 5: 1886 Washington Nationals - 28-92 (.233)
  • No. 6: 1886 Kansas City Cowboys - 30-91 (.248)
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What is the worst MLB season won-lost record ever?

The worst MLB season won-lost record ever belongs to the 1899 Cleveland Spiders. The Spiders completed their season with a 20-134 record (.134). 

What is the worst MLB season won-lost record post-1900?

The worst season won-lost record of the Modern Era of baseball is a record of 36-117 (.235), held by the 1916 Philadelphia Athletics.