Transcript of Bonds recording released

Prosecutors at the Barry Bonds perjury trial are arguing that the jury should hear a newly discovered tape recording of Bonds' orthopedic surgeon and his former business manager allegedly discussing the slugger and steroids.

Prosecutors on Tuesday provided a transcript of the 2003 conversation between Dr. Arthur Ting and Steve Hoskins, who secretly recorded the chat. Hoskins earlier testified that he lost the tape shortly after recording it. But he said he found it in a rented storage unit on Sunday and turned it over to prosecutors.

Much of the recording is inaudible. Still, prosecutors said there is enough on the tape to undercut Ting's testimony that he never had a conversation with Hoskins about Bonds and steroids.

U.S. District Judge Susan Illston said on Monday that her preliminary view was that much of the recording was inadmissible or irrelevant.