Ryan Howard, Ryan Zimmerman cleared by MLB in PED investigation

As the NFL prepares to interview three defensive standouts in the Al Jazeera America report linking them to performance-enhancing drugs, Major League Baseball cleared the Phillies’ Ryan Howard and the Nationals’ Ryan Zimmerman of any wrongdoing Friday.

Both MLB players were mentioned in that same Al Jazeera America documentary with the NFL’s James Harrison, Clay Matthews, Julius Peppers, Mike Neal and the retired Peyton Manning, who already has been cleared by the league.

Howard and Zimmerman denied any involvement with PEDs from the start -- they were accused of using human growth hormone -- and both still plan to pursue defamation lawsuits.

Howard released this statement Friday:

And Zimmerman released this statement:

Howard, 36, is a career .259 hitter with 376 homers and 1,178 RBI in 13 major-league seasons – all with the Phillies.

Zimmerman, 31, has played his entire 12-season major-league career with the Nationals, hitting .280 with 212 homers and 821 RBI.

Ryan Zimmerman (Matthew Hazlett/Getty Images)