Orioles catcher placed on disabled list after earth-shattering shot to testicles

Light a candle for Caleb Joseph. Remember him in your private moments before bed.

Because Caleb Joseph is a good man. And he did not ask for the concussive force of a log truck collision to be visited upon his nethers this Memorial Day Weekend. 

Nonetheless, fluke misfortune found the Baltimore Orioles catcher on Monday, and the Orioles will be down a catcher for the next two weeks and change thanks to the freak accident.

The incident in question occurred in the eighth inning of Baltimore's 7-2 loss to the Boston Red Sox, when a Travis Shaw checked swing pinged an Ashur Tolliver pitch down into Joseph's groin. Joseph went down, and after receiving attention from the Orioles medical staff, somehow managed to finish the game.

WCSH 6's Ted Varipatis posted video of the shot. Hold your loved ones closely. 

Joseph went to an area hospital after the game to be checked out, and according to MASN Sports' Roch Kubatko, underwent minor surgery to treat his injury and has been placed on the 15-day disabled list.

"Decided to take [Joseph] down and get him checked out," Showalter said. "The urologist didn't like some things and they went in and [did] what they did." 

Teammate Matt Wieters weighed in on the subject, praising Joseph and commiserating with his pain.

"I knew Caleb was tough...I think every man can probably sympathize with Caleb a little bit. I'm sure he's pretty sore today, but talking to him this morning, everything went as well as it could have last night...he's a tough kid. I wasn't surprised at all that he stayed in."

Thoughts and prayers for Caleb Joseph, who is twelve times tougher than you, and may or may not be Ironman.

Dan is on Twitter. Caleb Joseph is made of adamantium.