MLB won't award Dickey a no-hitter

Major League Baseball ruled Friday that Mets pitcher R.A. Dickey will not be awarded a no-hitter.

The Mets had requested the league review the one hit allowed by the knuckleballer during a 9-1 win over Tampa Bay on Wednesday night.

The only hit in the 12-strikeout masterpiece was an infield chopper by speedy outfielder B.J. Upton in the first inning. Third baseman David Wright tried unsuccessfully to bare-hand the ball and throw to first.

The official scorer ruled the play a hit, but the Mets appealed, arguing it could have been scored an error.

Manager Terry Collins admitted the team had very little chance of MLB changing the scorer's decision.

Dickey even said he had mixed feelings about the idea of being awarded a no-hitter after the fact, noting he did not have to pitch the final innings amid the pressure of a no-hit bid.

The lone no-hitter in Mets history still belongs to Johan Santana, who achieved the feat June 1 against St. Louis.