Lifelong Los Angeles Dodgers fan is closing in on the 'Scully Cycle'

Let's put legendary Los Angeles Dodgers announcer Vin Scully's incredible 67-year run in perspective: He's been at the microphone for the team for more than half of the team's existence, which traces back to 1884 when it competed as the Brooklyn Atlantics. 

That's some serious staying power for the 88-year-old Scully who came aboard in 1950 when they were the Brooklyn Dodgers. Given the club's roots and Scully's own (born in The Bronx), he's spent a lifetime calling games for Baby Boomers on both coasts.

Thanks to Dave in Boylston for coining the humorous "Vin Scully (Life) Cycle."

For a baseball fan that certainly qualifies as a wire-to-wire win. 

[Related: Vin Scully Bonus Tracks: 18 fireside stories separate from the game]