Leyva hired for Hurdle's Pirates staff

Former Phillies manager Nick Leyva has joined the Pirates' staff as new manager Clint Hurdle's third base coach.

Leyva was the Blue Jays' bench coach last season after spending two seasons as the third base coach. He will also coach the infielders.

Pitching coach Ray Searage and bench coach Jeff Banister were retained from former manager John Russell's staff. Both took their jobs at midseason.

Gregg Ritchie, the minor league hitting coach for five seasons, was promoted to the major league staff. Luis Silverio, who spent 35 seasons in the Royals' organization, will be the first base coach, plus the outfield and baserunning coach.

Euclides Rojas will be the bullpen coach. Mark Strittmatter will be a major league coach who works in various roles.