Kike Hernandez swings so hard he falls down, looks like he slips on banana

Dodgers manager Don Mattingly certainly can't be upset with utility player Kike Hernandez for not giving his all while facing Reds flame-thrower Aroldis Chapman.

With the Dodgers looking to tack on a few insurance runs in top of the ninth in their 1-0 win over the Reds on Thursday, Hernandez stepped up to the plate to face Chapman with a runner on first and no outs.

Facing one of the hardest-throwing pitchers in the history of the game, Hernandez fervently loaded up for a 1-0 pitch.

Likely expecting Chapman's triple-digit fastball on the pitch, Hernandez was completely fooled by Chapman's 97-mph slider, and lost his balance (and his helmet) while trying to readjust his overzealous swing.

Hernandez couldn't help but crack a smile immediately after the incident, and had fun with the gaffe after the game on social media.

The coincidental aspect of Hernandez's blunder is that he posted a photo earlier in the day caressing a bunch of bananas in celebration of Banana Lovers Day.

Slipping on an imaginary banana peel is certainly one way to celebrate the fruit's special day…