John Rocker offering to curse out fans at $25 per autograph

John Rocker made a name for himself offending people. Now he's hoping the public will pay for the privilege of being cursed out by him.

Rocker, who registered 38 saves in helping the Braves reach the World Series in 1999, is signing autographs this weekend in Cooperstown, N.Y., in advance of Sunday's Hall of Fame induction. The bombastic Rocker is charging $20 per autograph and $10 for a personal inscription - with an added bonus.

For an extra 25 bucks, Rocker is offering a personalized inscription "w/ Bad Words." Given that fact that Rocker disparaged New Yorkers in a high-profile Sports Illustrated piece and has routinely hurled slurs toward gays and all races, he's likely won't be lacking for material.

Oh, and for what it's worth, Hall of Famer Frank Thomas is charging $20 for his autograph with no offers for inscription, showing Rocker that you can leave The Big Hurt on the field.