Hunter Pence and a piglet posed for a photo at spring training - because why not?

Hunter Pence gets fired up about almost everything - the "Harry Potter" films, Magic: the Gathering, and his job as a baseball player, for starters.

With spring training now in session, Pence has joined his San Francisco Giants teammates in Arizona as they prepare for the 2016 season. His arrival coincided with the opportunity for this photo-op with a piglet:

Apparently, this little pig has his own Instagram account. Here's Paddington the Pig's account of his meeting with Pence, and a recap of the weekend's events by his owner, a special education teacher named Kayla Anne:

Consider the mystery solved: Paddington isn't in fact Pence's pet..though they have obviously become fast friends thanks to the magic of spring training.  

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An error occurred while retrieving the Instagram post. It might have been deleted.