Gary Carter's health takes turn for worse

Gary Carter's health has taken a turn for the worse.

The 57-year-old Hall of Fame catcher, diagnosed last May with a malignant brain tumor, received results of his latest MRI exam Thursday, according to the online journal of his daughter, Kimmy Bloemers.

She writes: ''I wish I could say that the results were good. ... There are now several new spots/tumors on my dad's brain. I write these words with tears because I am so sad for my dad.''

''Dr. Jimmy Harris will be coming to my parent's house this evening to talk to the family about the next step,'' she wrote.

Carter had the MRIs Friday in North Palm Beach, Fla., and the results were sent to his doctors at Duke University for evaluation.

A day earlier, he fell at a doctor's appointment and completely tore a rotator cuff, Bloemers wrote, adding that he also fell on Christmas Eve.

''It is very painful and needs surgery, but all dad can do right now is rehab to heal,'' she wrote.