Colorado Rockies pitcher Chad Bettis reveals cancer diagnosis

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27-year-old Colorado Rockies pitcher Chad Bettis revealed to ESPN in a statement Monday night that doctors diagnosed him with testicular cancer last month.

Bettis underwent surgery and had one of his testicles removed, but he expects to make a full recovery and will be ready for Spring Training in a few months.

Bettis led the Rockies pitching staff with 14 wins and 186 innings pitched in 2016.


"I was completely caught off-guard by my diagnosis but have subsequently found that the vast majority of cases occur in men 20 to 40 years of age and that the survival rate is 99 percent when contained and caught early. This only reinforces my belief that each of us needs to be totally in tune with our own physical health, and that taking action sooner than later when we feel like something is off can sometimes literally be the difference between life and death.

The surgeon is very confident that the cancer was isolated and has not spread and that my ability to have children should not be affected.

.... My understanding is that I will be physically ready to have a normal spring training, and I greatly look forward to the upcoming season."