CC Sabathia on racist fan behavior: 'When you go to Boston, expect it'

Yankees pitcher CC Sabathia weighed in on racist behavior by fans in Boston toward Orioles outfielder Adam Jones, acknowledging that those types of actions are not uncommon at Fenway Park.

“I’ve never been called the N-word” anywhere but in Boston while in the major leagues, Sabathia, a 17-year MLB veteran, told reporters.

He added that black Major Leaguers have discussed the matter with each other in the past, and that it’s nothing new. “We know,” he added. “There's 62 of us. We all know. When you go to Boston, expect it.”

“A disrespectful fan threw a bag of peanuts at me,” Jones told reporters on Monday. “I was called the N-word a handful of times tonight. Thanks. Pretty awesome.”

The Red Sox organization publicly apologized to Jones on Tuesday and condemned the fan’s behavior.