Cancer patient celebrated last chemo treatment with first Tigers game

Last Monday was quite the day for Ainsley Kargela. 

The 3-year-old, who has been battling soft tissue cancer since she was 1, has made the 16-hour round trip from her home in Marquette to the Children's Hospital of Michigan in Detroit for chemotherapy treatments every Monday for the last 22 weeks.

So Ainsley's last round of chemo on March 31 was cause for celebration in and of itself.

Only, March 31 also happened to be opening day for the Kargelas' beloved Detroit Tigers. So Ainsley's grandfather bought tickets to the home opener so Ainsley could mark one momentous occasion with another: her last chemo treatment with her very first baseball game.

For more, check out FOX Detroit's report on this heartwarming story.

And March 31 finished well for Ainsley and the Tigers as well, as Detroit beat the Kansas City Royals 4-3. 

H/t Bleacher Report