Arrieta celebrates no-no at Wrigley with gifts from Cubs, Dodgers

Deep down the Los Angeles Dodgers might not believe they were no-hit Sunday by Chicago Cubs right-hander Jake Arrieta, but they certainly aren't being sore losers about it.

In fact, the organization is being rather gracious.

Arrieta pitched his first career no-hitter Sunday night at Dodger Stadium — a friendly E4 early in the game certainly helped the cause — and the Cubs celebrated Arrieta's achievement with a special ceremony before Monday night's game in front of the home crowd at Wrigley Field. The Dodgers sent over the rubber from the mound from which he made history, as well as other gifts.

The Cubs presented their emerging ace with his framed jersey from the game, a framed picture and a $5,000 Bucherer Patravi ScubaTech watch, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.

Arrieta's next start is scheduled to be Saturday against the Arizona Diamondbacks.

(H/t Chicago Sun-Times)