Alex Rodriguez got Warren Buffett to be his mentor by cold-calling him

Warren Buffett became Alex Rodriguez's business and finance mentor after the former Yankee player cold-called him.

When Rodriguez was signing a $252 million contract with the Texas Rangers in 2000, the team needed it insured, Rodriguez said during the eMERGE technology conference Tuesday, CNBC reported. While Rodriguez was not aware of it at the time, but Buffett apparently told then Texas Rangers owner Tom Hicks that if he was sent $4 million by the morning, he would insure the 10-year contract.

After learning about this, Rodriguez used the connection to meet with the billionaire investor.

"I cold-called his office... I said, 'Hey, I'm in business with Warren Buffett, do [you] mind if I have a call with him or something?'" Rodriguez said during the conference, according to CNBC.

"[They said], 'Why doesn't he come up and spend the day with [Buffett] in Omaha?'" Rodriguez added. "And I ended up doing that like five or six years in a row and had some great times with him."