A-Rod denies latest Biogenesis report

A spokesman for Alex Rodriguez Friday denied a New York Times report that the Yankees star was involved with purchasing documents related to the Biogenesis anti-aging clinic in South Florida.

The Times, citing two people briefed on the situation, reported that a representative of Rodriguez bought the documents to keep them away from Major League Baseball investigators. Biogenesis has since closed, but reportedly supplied performance-enhancing drugs to more than 20 major league players.

Major League Baseball has publicly proclaimed its interest in getting as much information about Biogenesis and the distribution of performance-enhancing drugs as possible and handing down any related player suspensions.

The Times reported that Major League Baseball bought documents from Biogenesis for that very purpose, while Rodriguez's representatives also bought documents from a former employee of the clinic in order to destroy them.

Biogenesis was first connected to six players — Rodriguez, Blue Jays outfielder Melky Cebrera, Rangers outfielder Nelson Cruz, Nationals pitcher Gio Gonzalez, A's pitcher Bartolo Colon and Padres' catcher Yasmani Grandal — by a January report in the Miami New Times.