2 pitches, 2 foul balls for Marlins spectator

Two pitches, two foul balls landing in the same place? That hardly seems fair.

Adam Koltun proudly held up a ball in each hand Friday night, souvenirs collected on consecutive pitches fouled off by rookie phenom Stephen Strasburg in the Washington Nationals' game at Florida.

When the crowd jeered, Koltun quickly handed one of the balls to 13-year-old Jose Wilhelm sitting nearby.

''The boos came,'' Koltun said, ''and I thought I better give it to the kid.''

Koltun and companion Eric Katz sat in the first row of the club seats to the right of home plate, and Strasburg targeted them with back-to-back pop fouls in the fifth inning. Katz snatched the first one after it landed, and the second ball hit young Wilhelm in the chest before Koltun grabbed it.

''The guy that caught the ball had two,'' the teenager said, ''so he gave me one.''